Company Information

Company Information

About C.E.O


Hyo-Soon, SongDoctor of Environmental Studies, Keimyung University

  • 1989 ECOBio Holdings Co., Ltd. Establish

    2005 Chairman of Bio-division of Korea New & Renewable Energy Association

    2013 Received Presidential Prize for Renewable Energy Award

  • 2015 Now Audit of the Renewable Energy Association

    2016 Now ECOBio Holdings Co., Ltd. C.E.O

    2018 Now Vice President, Korea Clean Technology Association

Corporate Vision

Recycling business, led by the world leader in energy


Business Vision - Established Upcycling business system through eco-chain

The past is the power of the present.
The future will begin now.

Finding what was in the world Make something that was not in the world Make the world sustainable!

ECOBio Holdings C.E.O Hyo-Soon, Song

ECOBio Core Value

Business Philosophy
  • Ethical management

    A management spirit that considers business ethics to be a top priority and pursues transparent, fair and rational business performance.

  • Transparent Management

    Transparently disclose what is happening in the business to shareholders, employees, and the public

  • Evolution management

    Increase the value of the company by responding swiftly to changes in the management environment and maximize shareholders' profits

Practice posture
  • Concentration

  • Perfection

  • Confidence

  • Confirm

Business Goals

A company that is constantly developing and pioneering new ways
ECOBio Holdings Co., Ltd.

C.I / B.I

ECOBio is making environment and future with eco-friendly technology.
  • CI Symbol mark
  • BI Symbol mark

Meaning of logo mark

ECOBio is a specialized company for sustainable society that produces clean energy with the meaning of ecology which means ecology.
Echo's logo concept is simple and concise, which means a return to a clean environment in the beginning. The "E", consisting of a bird shape in a circular geometric form, contains the will and hope of ECOBio, which aims to realize the ideal of mankind from a pure environment and a clean atmosphere.
The small point derived from the center of the garden also symbolizes air, water, soil, and new energy, and bright green, eco-friendly color means bright future.
Therefore, ECOBio's corporate naming is based on an English font suitable for global images.


The use of logo marks has a profound effect on the image of the company, so in no case should you change it or delete it.
ECO logos and biotypes should always be combined in top and bottom.

Organization chart


Simplex Division

Institute of Technology

R&D Team

Strategic Business Division

  • Management Support Office

    Strategy Office

    Facilities Driving Team

    Q/C Team

  • Power Generation Division

    Development Team

    Safety Maintenance History Team

    Environment Team

    Current Maintenance Team

    Fuel Team

Environment Division

Integrated Management Team

Plant T/F Team

Wonju Office

Daejeon Office

Nanjido maintenance

Sangam hydrogen station